01202 873747

Ferndown Town Council has requested that we publish the following message to parents:


 “Ferndown Town Council are inviting parents and children to take part in an online focus group (small discussion group) via Zoom on Monday 24 May at 11am and Tuesday 25 May at 7pm. The focus group should last no longer that one hour.

The focus group will provide an opportunity for you to find out about the Town Council’s plans to refurbish the play equipment in Dugdell Play Area. In particular we would like to know:

–  what current play equipment is popular with children

–  what new play equipment children would like to see and use

More background information will be sent to those confirming attendance before the focus group.

Your views will help us plan the refurbishment of Dugdell Play Area.

If you would like to take part in the focus group on either Monday 24 May or Tuesday 25 May, please let us know by contacting Louise Harrison on 01202 892249 or by email at townclerk@ferndown.gov.uk.”