This week in Reception, we read the book ‘What Pet Would You Get?’ by Dr Seuss. We enjoyed thinking of real and imaginary pets that we could get. Thank you for sending in photos of your pets at home – the children have really enjoyed sharing these and looking at each other’s pets. The teachers have also shared their pets in some videos explaining how to take care of animals.
In English, we designed and wrote about which pet we would like. We were focusing on using full stops to show that our sentence has ended. In phonics, we have built on our sound knowledge by reading and writing words with four sounds in them.
In maths, we have been learning to subtract single digit numbers and we have been using the – and = signs.
Our words of the week are bird and mammal. We have been very excited as our butterflies have hatched! We took the, out this afternoon and let them was fabulous. We also made butterflies in forest school.