7.45am – 8.25am
Monday – Friday
Parents should bring their children to the staff entrance at the front of the school. A register of attendance will be taken, as the child enters the building. The children will stay in the hall until 8.25am, when a member of staff will accompany them to their classroom.
3.05pm – 6.00pm
Monday – Friday
Parents must collect their child from the Music Room door located around the side of the school building. A register of attendance will be taken at the start of the session and you are required to sign your child out at the end of the day.
The Club closes at 6pm and all children must be collected by this time. Children will only be released to an authorised adult listed on the school’s collection list.
We have a mobile phone which is dedicated to the After School Club provision. Parents are welcome to use this between the hours of 2pm – 6pm, to advise us of any changes to collection arrangements or if you are delayed for any reason. The number is 07749 191595. Any enquires regarding the After School Club should be directed to the school office email office@fernfirst.dorset.sch.uk or by phone on 01202 873747.
Children at the After School Club have access to the school’s facilities, including the playground, play trail and the games enclosure. Indoor activities will be planned around topics which may be arts and crafts, puzzles, construction play, role play and board games.
What will my child have to eat?
Breakfast Club will provide toast, cereal, fruit juice or milk.
After School Club will provide plain biscuits, rice cakes, bread sticks, crackers, choice of fruit, milk or water.
Booking and Payment Methods
Bookings must be made via the ParentMail app via the ‘Account’ section. Spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and payment must be made at the time of booking. You will be unable to select a session to book if there are no further spaces available for that day or it is less than 24 hours before the session date. There is a possibility that last minute spaces may become available for emergencies – please contact the school office. Current methods of payment are via the ParentMail app, BACS payments or Childcare Vouchers.
If you pay by Childcare Vouchers or are a Free School Meal family, you will be added to a £0.00 price band. This will allow you to make your booking without submitting a payment via ParentMail and then make your payment separately by Childcare Voucher or BACS payment. Please contact the school office prior to booking if paying by Childcare Vouchers to ensure that you are added to the correct banding.
The cost of the Breakfast Club is £3.25 per session, and the cost of After School club will be £10.00 per session if attending to 5pm or £12.00 per session if attending to 6pm.
Please ensure that your child is picked up promptly from the After School Club.
We recommend that you arrive 5 minutes before the end of the session to ensure that your child is collected on time. We reserve the right to charge for attendance outside the agreed hours. If late collection is persistent, a late collection charge of £2.00 per 15 minutes will be applied.
For those children that attend extra-curricular clubs after school, e.g. art, cooking, tennis, a place at the After School Club will still need to be booked and paid for.
Please refer to the Breakfast Club Agreement and After School Club Agreement for further information.