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School News: Music

Music Workshop In Year 4

17th November 2023

The children went to Ferndown Middle School for a music workshop led by Mr Welcomme. This was part of…

Peter Pan Rehearsals In Year 4

20th October 2023

The children have started to learn the songs for the Peter Pan production. They are very excited.

iRock Assembly

5th September 2023

Today the children thoroughly enjoyed singing along with Whitney from iRock.  Some children even had an opportunity to join…

Year 4 Ukulele Performance

25th March 2023

This term, Year 4 having been learning to play the ukulele with Mr Arthur. This week they had a…

Music Workshop in Year 2

27th January 2023

Today we had the opportunity to take part in a Chinese music workshop at Ferndown Middle school. We loved…

Ukulele in Year 4

27th January 2023

Each Friday, Year 4 have been having Ukulele lessons.  They have learnt how to play the c chord and…

Year 4 Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra visit

20th May 2022

This week in Year 4 we enjoyed watching the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra perform at Poole Lighthouse. We learnt about…

Year 4 Ukulele

11th February 2022

This week in year 4 we refined our strumming and string picking. We played the C chord in a…

Ukulele in Year 4

21st January 2022

This week, we started to learn how to play the ukulele. We looked at plucking, strumming and how to…

Dazzling Dancing

11th December 2020

This half term we have been working on different styles of dancing ready for our Christmas performance. We looked…

Reception Disco

12th March 2020

We had such a fantastic time at the Reception disco this afternoon. Thank you, PTA.

Ocarinas in Year 1

23rd January 2020

This half term, Year 1 have been learning to play an ocarina. We have been covering and uncovering different…