The Governing Bodies of five schools in the Poole and East Dorset area, including Ferndown First School, are individually and collectively proposing that their schools join an existing multi academy trust, Castleman Academy Trust, through either academy conversion or academy transfer.
Parents have already had an opportunity to attend one of several meetings about this proposal. Included in this article are links to the presentation and consultation documents.
You can access the online survey here: Academy Consultation Survey
We would encourage as many of you as possible to complete the survey so that the Governing Body has the fullest picture of what the school community thinks about the proposal. The deadline for the online survey is midnight on Thursday, February 27th, 2020
We want to reassure you that the survey is anonymous: school governors and staff will never know who has submitted a response.
To ensure the survey is representative, we need to verify we are receiving genuine responses. So, survey respondents are asked to provide an email address, which may be tested by our project manager to ensure it is a live email address. The data we will receive on the survey will not include any email addresses and all email addresses will be deleted by our project manager by midnight on Thursday, March 5th (7 days after the close of the survey).
If you would prefer to complete a paper survey, please ask for a form at the school office.