We have enjoyed participating in the main project ‘How big is our school?’ First, we recapped measuring vocabulary through Super Movers on BBC. We then measured our classroom floor area collaboratively. To do this, we measured the length and width of the classroom. We discovered that the width was 7m 50 cm and the length was 7m 60 cm. Mrs Bremner modelled using x tables to multiply the length and width together. We were excited to learn that our classroom floor area is 57 m2. We will share these results with Mr West.
At home, please practise times tables on Super Movers and TT Rockstars for five/ten minutes every night. You could practise giving the children addition and subtraction questions to answer e.g. 235 + 300, 657 – 6, 546 + 80. The children will enjoy sharing the methods they have been learning at school with you. We are moving towards formal methods for column and addition.