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It has been fabulous to see the children’s smiling faces back at school!
The Year 3 children have made an excellent start to the half term. Children are happy and have adjusted back into school routines.
In Year 3, we have dedicated time to well-being activities. Children have been encouraged to talk about their feelings towards lockdown and returning to school. We have been enjoying mindful walks around the school grounds, team games, and yoga.
We have also been enjoying Art. We created spring blossom trees, using a range of media. The final products look phenomenal.
In Maths, we have been practising our 3, 4, and 8 times tables by playing different games. Many children are becoming very confident! Remember to use TTRockstars at home to increase your speed!
Thank you to parents for all your hard work over lockdown. Please continue to support your child by listening to them read daily and practising their spellings and times tables regularly.
We look forward to what the rest of the half term will bring!
Mrs Bremner and Miss Lovegrove