For our final week of this half term, we have focused on some stories which are taken from our RE learning. We have read ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’, retold this story and talked about the moral. In RE, we also looked at stories from other religions. At home, you could encourage your child to make up and tell their own stories. They could also write these down using their phonics.
In maths, we have been learning how to subtract a single digit number, for example 9 – 3 = 6. At home you can help your child with their maths by practising recognising the maths symbols + , – and =.
In phonics, our sounds are /oi/ as in foil, and /er/ as in butter.
Our words of the week are ‘moral’ and ‘God’.
Well done on a super half term learning about People Who Help Us. We have really enjoyed this topic, especially meeting our virtual visitors from the Fire Service, the Police and Ferndown Library. Have a lovely half term break and we look forward to seeing you all back for our final half term in Reception!