01202 873747

Well, day 2 is complete and it has been another great day. It has been lovely to see each child’s confidence grow, and they will have lots to tell you when they return.

Some great quotes from today include:

“Rock climbing is the best! – I have a fear of heights and it has helped me overcome it.” Mikey

“I loved crate stacking. You can stand higher and higher on stacks of crates. You can go as high as you want to.” Jessica

“I loved abseiling – I was happy to let go of the rope and trust the rope would hold me. I came down the tower at 5mph!” Ollie

“I like the bedrooms because the beds are comfy.” Joshua

“I like rock climbing as it’s two activities in one. You climb up the tower and abseil down.” Grace

“I liked archery. I liked that it tests your ability to see what you can hit. I hit the bull’s eye!” Trey

“I enjoyed problem-solving. You get to work with your team and share ideas with your friends.” Elsie

“The shelter building was fun. We followed our model for what we wanted to do, and we won!” Mya

“Being here with all my friends” Jack

Last day tomorrow!